RPG Starter

by Falacy
An Open Source Demo/Game with everything you'll need to get started on your very own BYOND Game!
Exactly what makes the menu for right click come up. I've messed up somewhere.

set src in oview(2)
switch(input("I'm the Princess! Pay ATTENTION TO ME!","Princess")in list("I'm here to rescue you!"))
if("I'm here to rescue you!")
if(VictoryConfirmed == 1)
usr << "<big><B><I> Congratulations! You Win!"

// Shutdown()
usr <<"<big><B><I> Defeat the Dragon you fool!"
Seems to work for me. Are you within 2 tiles of the princess? Did you change the client.show_popup_menus variable?
In response to Falacy
I don't believe so, though it is possible. I'm going to try using a new icon because I had re-purposed the princess icon, so I'll see how that goes.

Edit: Now it seems as if I'm having trouble importing icons. u.u I'm going NPCs.dmi>Graphic>Import. Nothing will import. I'm feeling pretty down here. xD
In response to DarthVegeta
The icon shouldn't make a difference
In response to Falacy
Okay, so let's go back to client.show_popup_menus. What can I do to troubleshoot this? Can I just declare client.show_popup_menus = 1?

Edit: I'm guessing no because I tried it. This is like the final obstacle in my way before i Finish my Senior Project

Edit: Fixed it. It had to due with icon_state and what I declared the Princess's icon_state to be.
In response to DarthVegeta
Use ctrl+f to search all files for show_popup_menus