Ok, so I'm trying to make the file size command and I typed this:

switch(input("What do you want to edit?", "Text") as null|anything in list ("Max Upload Size", "Max File Limit", "Max Size Limit"))
if("Max Upload Size")
l=input("What do you want to change the current max upload size ([uploadbytelimit]) to?" , "Text")as null|num
if (l&&l>0) uploadbyelimit=1
if("Max File Limit")
l=input("What do you want to change the current max file limit ([fileamountlimit]) to?", "Text")as null|num
if(l&&l>0&&currentfileamount>1) fileamountlimit=1
if("Max Size Limit")
l=input ("What do you want to change the current max size limit ([bytamountlimit]) to?", "Text")as null|num
if(l&&l>0&&currentsizeamount>1) bytamountlimit=1

The error says:
Mariah's error: expected expression

It highlights "var/1" when I click it. I don't know how to fix the error. Help would be nice, thank you. :)
G'day Pinkymcgee.

From the sounds of it you are having a design problem. BYOND Help is setup to help people with bugs or problems running the software, but does not cover design problems. I recommend the Developer's Forums for help with design issues.

(Note, variables can not start with a number character.)

Thanks Much.
In response to Tiberath
Sorry about that, I had a problem finding the right place for this so I just put it here. But, thanks anyway. :)