Im thinking about becoming a member and im wondering, If im a member and a game is currently full of players, can i still get in?
That depends on the game, Some games allow members to go over the maximum of players, And some games don't.
Greetings Buie1194.

This is not an official benefit of becoming a BYOND member. BYOND Members get some nice features on the website and pager, but it is completely up to the game's designer what perks he wants to give Members in his game. It is perfectly possible for someone to program that into their game, but it is in no way enforced or recommended by the BYOND Staff.

Thanks Much.
To further clarify what Danial was saying, there is a new feature on the BYOND Hubs that allow users to directly tell what BYOND members get as a benefit.

Here is an example, the list of BYOND Member benefits for this specific game are listed in an easy to find place.