BYOND Build Number: 432.1007
Operating System: Windows Vista
Video/Graphics Card: Not sure, but that's not really relevant.
Game Hub/Link: DuelMonstersUnlimited#online
Internet Connection Type: DSL, I think.
Firewalls/Routers: Windows Firewall/SpeedStream 2604

Problem Description: For some reason, no matter what I do, port forwarding, configuring a static IP, etc., Dream Daemon always displays an IP that is different from my computer's IP, and I think that might be preventing me from hosting. I don't know why it's doing this, and I have no clue how to fix it. Anybody got any solutions?

Steps to Reproduce Problem: Not a clue.

EDIT: Okay, it appears to be a problem with my external IP address. Anybody know how to fix that?
I take it that you have trouble hosting games, right?

What you describe sounds like you're checking your computers "network IP" and the "IP your provider assigns for you".
It is perfectly normal that the two differ, as you're using DSL.

What exactly is the problem while hosting?
Everything works fine, the game appears on the hub, just that others can not join?
In that case, it would hint to a problem with port forwarding and the port you're hosting on, or your firewall settings.
Did you check both and follow the steps supplied here?
Did you try to change the internal settings of your computer?
That might be a problem, as I can't be sure what you have changed...
In response to Schnitzelnagler
Yes, I've done everything.

I've configured my firewall to let the application through.

I've gone into my router and done the port forward thing.

I've configured a static IP on my computer.

I'm out of ideas.
In response to Wolfgang DS
Mind to explain how you "configured a static IP on [your] computer" in detail?
You did allow all three mentioned executables in your firewall and not just one, right?

Which port did you try to host on?
And what's the text you get when you try to host with Dream Daemon?
In response to Wolfgang DS
Are you sure you have only one firewall in play, and if so are you sure the firewall is actually letting traffic through as intended? A few years ago I had a problem with Norton Internet Security where I had told it outright to let a certain app through, and let all traffic through on the port it used. After trying over and over again to get it to work, I gave up and turned the sucker off--I had no similar problems after that.

But as I'm sure you know, networking can be a complex issue, so if you can provide details on what steps you took and which apps/etc. are involved, that would help to diagnose the problem.

Lummox JR