I'm trying to add say to a chat rp game that i'm making (its my first game) but all of the codes in the youtube guides don't work, no matter what i put on, after i compile it, and test it with run, the text doesn't show up when i use say.

meh, i might just make something else.
You might want to start your adventurous travel into the realms of programming here, instead of some strange "Youtube-guides".
Especially the guide and reference can prove incredibly valuable tools for a novice programmer.

For more detailed questions (best after reading through the reliable linked sources), please consult the Developer Forum, or the Dream Maker's Articles.
Itsmyrap2 wrote:
I'm trying to add say to a chat rp game that i'm making (its my first game) but all of the codes in the youtube guides don't work, no matter what i put on, after i compile it, and test it with run, the text doesn't show up when i use say.

meh, i might just make something else.
Maybe this?
mob/verb/Say(msg as text){view()<<"[usr]:[html_encode(msg)]"}