Excause my Byond Admin, i feel greatly in danger on the game Dragonball finale an admin with the key name of Nevets_DBM has gotten angery at me and has thretend to place my personal information on the internet here are his words
--(9:17 pm) Nevets_DBM: Hey, you don't mind if I give out your address, name and IP address, right?

<--(9:23 pm) Nevets_DBM: You've got 10 seconds to say "please" before I completly fuck your life up.

<--(9:24 pm) Nevets_DBM: 9.....8...7...
<--(9:24 pm) Nevets_DBM: 6...5....4.....
<--(9:24 pm) Nevets_DBM: Time's up.

he was angered from earlyer over a game and has banned me from the game causing me to not be sure on if he has done it or not can you please check out the Dragonball finale page its the third fromthe bottem and he's the first name you see so you shouldnt miss it acually can you please check it out because this is serioud matters this can lead to identity theft please and thank you
How would he know your name and address?
All he should be able to get is your IP, which is annoying to be publish, but nothing anywhere near to identity theft or crucial information.
Just avoid playing the game from now on and inform the owner of the moderators behaviour.