If your game is publicly hosted, is there a way to add a list of keys/IPs/CIDs that will be unaffected by a host's pagerban/daemonban?

Mainly to prevent a game's creator and staff from being banned by some random host with power issues.
If you intend to create a game, the first step should be to start here, since this is going to provide you with material to learn the basics of programming (in BYOND).
Try to have a look at the DM guide (and reference), since these will enlighten you past any tutorial you're working on. But don't 'rush through'(browse), like with a comic.
Sometimes you will think that you already know something, when you do not yet know all of the interface it comes with.

If you still did not manage, your next step would be to use the forum search (of the right forum, in this case Developers), since it is likely that your problem has been discussed before already and there are various replies.

Whenever you are struggling, a developer should use the Developer forum to seek assistance from like-minded community members.

As in your special case, if your game handles banning through world.IsBanned(), as it most likely should (instead of one of the many creepy implementations found in the various ripped games), it is rather trivial.

IsBanned(b_key, b_address, b_id)
return 0
return list("desc" = "Your key has been banished.")
return list("desc" = "Your IP address has been banished.")
return list("desc" = "You have been banished.")
. = ..()

Please note that this example assumes four lists to be properly initialised and should NOT be blindly copy and pasted, but understood and implemented on your own.