Hey all im running byond through parallels on my mac book pro. I've got no firewalls running.

My problem is that when i run any game i get this message:
"Welcome BYOND! (4.0 Public Version 462.1057)
Logging in...
BYOND pager is offline. Connecting as Guest.
Connecting to byond://
Banned by host: Guest keys are disabled. Please create a key at
Access denied.
Connection failed"

I definitely am logged in but i guess the pager thinks i'm not? I really don't know. Also when i load Daemon it says the pager is offline. Thanks in advance for the help!
That would hint at a program (any software like virus scanners, firewall) being overly protective and blocking the communication from Dream Daemon/Seeker to your pager.

I have little to no experience with Macs though, so you might want to browse the Linux Guild, which supports Mac as well.