BYOND 4.0 Public Version 464.1066:
Windows Vista:
Windows Firewall/ Westell F90-610025-06 Modem-Router:

Hey, I'm having a hosting problem. I'm trying to test a game I'm working on with my friends. I'm hosting and it works fine for me, but when my friends try to join, it kicks them off saying "Connection Failed".:

This could be either your firewall/port-forwarding interfering, or your source code denying access through client.IsBanned()/client.New()/mob.Login(). It would sound like the later, which you can test by creating a new project which only contains
world << "[] tested."

If you can host that without problems, you know the issue is with your game's source code.
If you can't host that, you know that your problem is with port-forwarding/your firewall.