why do i see meen admins useing abusve content that i nor others want to see on servers and admins are older and think its funy jsut to get you to leave im mad at [dev — Research Port Phi Space Station 13
by Exadv1
for there admin abuseve niss which is makeing me amd others mad note the faolwing is senosred fail spell <---
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ex(abused ___ flash stuff that loops, hud linked pic)
thanks for helping rule 4 <----

im not saying byond im saying the server people for the sake of that
Greetings Nathan736.

The BYOND Staff does not have the will nor power to help you out. It is each user's personal choice who they want in their game, and who they want out. Your best bet would be to try to contact the game host or game creator and ask for steps to be taken on the offender. For BYOND's official stance on the subject, please read I'm being spammed by a user. Or, a user has banned me from his game for no reason. Help!

Yours sincerely,