Right well my game was going along fine until one day the .dme file was the source of 1 error....
Have no freakin idea how it happened, but here is the error.

loading MyGame.dme
MyGame.dme:152:error: end of file reached inside of comment

MyGame.dmb - 1 error, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)
This question belongs to the Developers forum, more specifically, Code Problems. In order to fix this issue, you're going to have to provide the relevant code snippet though, which should be the end of the files referenced in line 151, 152 and lines 151 to 153 of the dme file.
In response to Schnitzelnagler
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
In response to Account name3
It seems you skipped some essential parts of my reply.
Here again...

Schnitzelnagler wrote:
This question belongs to the Developers forum, more specifically, Code Problems. In order to fix this issue, you're going to have to provide the relevant code snippet though, which should be the end of the files referenced in line 151, 152 and lines 151 to 153 of the dme file.

What did you skip?
Well, you should have created a topic in the Code Problems forum I linked you to.
And you should have included the end of of the files referenced in line 151, 152