BYOND Build Number:
Operating System: Windows XP
Video/Graphics Card:
Game Hub/Link:
Internet Connection Type:Dial up (Awesome net)
Firewalls/Routers: Window Fire Wall

Problem Description: Am connected to the internet but my
Byond won't get any connection. I log in to my account and it says Logged in as Renerivas2004 [Offline] my window firewall is already letting byond in. What could the problem be? Cant manage to be online on byond when am on the internet and my internet connection is on.

Steps to Reproduce Problem:
Please try the steps as described here.
Should this not help, we'll need more concrete information, such as the BYOND build number, which you can find under Help->About BYOND on your pager and what router you're using.
In response to Schnitzelnagler
471.407(i cant see the last number its covered with the ok box i could be a 0,3,6 or 8)
In response to Renerivas2004
Have you taken all the steps as detailed in the article I linked to? What's the speed of your dial up connection? Can you ping