is there a way so tha tme and my friend can work on the same game without using the same computer
Depends what you define as 'work on the same game'. You'll have to be precise on your question, I fear.
In response to Schnitzelnagler
In response to Neogeo123
Wow! Yes, taking the time to throw a random meaningless keyword at a forum is certainly what I had in mind with a 'detailed description'!

I'll take the same time and effort you took and reply:

In response to Schnitzelnagler

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Please refrain from using offensive language on these forums as they are meant to be suitable for children.
In response to Neogeo123
ok so im his friend. we need to find a way we can both work on the same game from different computers how do we both access the same files and update without uploading to a site and keep uploading and downloading. we need a way where we can both do that if you can awnser this seriously thank you if not please dont be mean... you were all noobs at one time thank you for your help =D
In response to Qaz0qaz0
and i need to know one more thing im having trouble with my game when ever i put the game up on the site and i download it it says error unzip failed does anyone know any way to fix that? i am uploading the files to thank you if you can help.
In response to Neogeo123
Neogeo123 wrote:
go **** urself

That will get you tons of help in no time.
In response to Qaz0qaz0
You need to have a direct-file hoster, such as your own domain with your own webspace.
In response to Qaz0qaz0
In response to Leur
ok i have a domain under freewebs but i have no idea how to upload a file on there can you help me?
In response to Qaz0qaz0
Normally I would just ignore and ban your friend now, but I do not want to punish you as well, only because he can not act mature.

The reason I was asking for details is simple, there is a multitude of 'cooperative work' ideas and I can not read minds (fortunately enough).

A lot of people on BYOND use Dropbox (reference link included because if you use that to sign up, you get some extra free space). The software they use does the 'upload and download' automatically, so you're still left with the same solution, but the process is somewhat hidden from you by being automated and without you having to do anything. There are obvious flaws to the solution though, such as synchronisation of work on conflicting files.

This (synchronisation of work) is the strength of version control software like CVS and SVN, which are widely used in software development.

An alternate step are RTC (real-time collaboration) systems that synchronize 'on the fly' (live), where every person involved can see the other one typing, like Google Wave tries for communication. There are some of these tools especially designed for software development, but most of them require purchase, so I'll leave it to you to search an alternative that suits your needs. You could even create your own such program with BYOND, or request the feature to be hard coded, if you're willing to wait a year or ten.
In response to Qaz0qaz0
According to their page, you should have a 'FTP manager' that allows you to upload files. Please note that you only have 40 MB space and 500 MB transfer per month on their free plan though and most of these companies do not allow to be used as file-hosting service (I didn't read their ToS and AP).
Your best bet is usually to search for a free file hosting service that allows direct linking. There aren't many, but there are some.