I've had internet access for two hours now but I just got on. My fat sister had to check for "important stuff for 20 minutes", which really meant an hour and 40 minutes of looking at shirtless guys. >_<

I loged on a couple of times to post from a cafe, but otherwise I've missed anything that possibly happened since August 1st. Can anybody fill me in with any Byond stuff that I might have missed? :)
You missed lots of arguments. I can link you to them if you want to randomly toss your nickels and pennies into the arguments. Always good fun. :P

ooh, ooh, check out Mount and Blade!! It's an awesome game. It might seem a little odd at boring at first, but try out the combat and you'll love it. Promise my heart and hope to win a million dollars.

Mount & Blade link:
I probably won't post in them, but sure! Go ahead and link them. I love reading debates and arguments. :)
My fat sister had to check for "important stuff for 20 minutes", which really meant an hour and 40 minutes of looking at shirtless guys.

Well she wasn't lieing. You had internet for two hours, she looked at...that... for 1:40, and the other 20 minutes was probably important :P
soe got published :X