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slut fap
One of his admins Banned me for a ":D"
god i thought the server Pleasure palace had no admin has alot of admin abuse including bans on people for role-playing....if the centcom offical is causeing my prisoners to get out, i'm going to detain him no matter the position he is in! doesn't give him the right to arrest me and kill people trying to save me then send a deathsquad to kill more people who were never invovled
shout out too lilman in the pin
Rape Fist Tell one of your Admins to Do something About all the Bans happening a guyt got banned for doing his job.....
Server down as of now.
can i be a admin?
So I got permanently banned for doing my job as a revolutionary? how is that?
Banned for doing my job, wont be coming back :)