Name him Damian.
can't you guys read.. it already says in his post that his name is Jacob..
Some pictures!

They're a little out of order, but I'd imagine you can figure it out...

And in other baby news, he went for his first checkup the other day, and he now weighs 10 lbs, 13 oz... A gain of almost 2 pounds in three weeks (the rule of thumb is that babies should be back up to their birthweight by their checkup... so I guess he's getting plenty to eat!)
Awwww, when is he going to meet uncle Light?

100_1621 is the best one, hes doing the peace hand thing and looking rather bad ass for a baby.

Also, i was born on dec20 and my parents put me in the santa suit too! oh the humiliation ;)
[Late] Congrats!

(Not to be off subject, but could you maybe add my game to the guild? It is DBZ: Trail of Devotion) DragonballZTrailofDevotion#online please add this to the guild a LOT of people like this game.
Africanprince94 wrote: DragonballZTrailofDevotion#online please add this to the guild a LOT of people like this game.

Wow your annoying.

Referring to old man, how old are you then? Congratulations BTW.
SSGX you sound like you're 30 or somethin o.O
Hey SSGX! Well I am a big fan of your work (mostly DBTC) wich brings me to the question... will you ever work on it again? I mean .. man it's the best DBZ game here on Byond you can't just let it die! Anyway grats (reallly late grats) and think about us... little... desperate... DBTC fans ^^
hey ssgx long time dude, ive been away from byond 4 awile, late congratz on the baby, i think the last time i actually talked 2 u was when u broke your wii controller, well get in touch with me dude, my aim is bigdog20905, msn is [email protected], and my yahoo is sithlordgunner, hope 2 talk 2 yah soon

SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Some pictures!

They're a little out of order, but I'd imagine you can figure it out...

And in other baby news, he went for his first checkup the other day, and he now weighs 10 lbs, 13 oz... A gain of almost 2 pounds in three weeks (the rule of thumb is that babies should be back up to their birthweight by their checkup... so I guess he's getting plenty to eat!)

hay your murder mansion i was messing around makeing long list off words then i crashed now i cannot connect
before one time the game just went to some pokemon thing then it fixed then it did it again when i crashed and it wont fix and stop going there then i try to connect to murder it just wont connect its maby the pokemon thing still
im conneting to and thay got the game down? i duno the list was loooooooong messing around jokeing around pasteing like alot of Warning: a virus has bin detected reallllllly long and takes 5 seconds to finish loading jokeing around i did it few times last time i did it crashed me then i cant connect to anyyy servers at all -.-
Dude this is REALLY REALLY LATE but congratulations dude you must of been extatic when you heard you were going to have a kid
Dude thats Awsome to be a father.

So how it comeing along with the baby :D?
Hey dude!
Sorry bother you but...

You can open a server (host) for Murder Mansion, a lot of my friends wanna play.
And no one can create a game... =\

It seems like he left byond not logged in for over a year
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