Naruto Birth of the Legendary Shinobi

by Goditz
Naruto Birth of the Legendary Shinobi
200+ Jutsu that you can combine to make your own jutsu’s. Sub clan system to get 1/2 of another clan’s jutsu. Tons of Clans, Villages, and Cities. Come see what all the fuss is about for yourself.
Dylonhughes123 wrote:
how do i host my own
itwould be fun

You are the biggest idiot ever for one, this is a place to comment about a Review you idiot.

Second, I did play this game and it looked like blocks for turfs, everyone was AFK, and people were EZing on logs. That's about sums up this experience on a Naruto game that a lot of people play which I still can't see even if it's self hosting.. I could find another rip that is with this and it'll be better.
Kids. NBOLTs is the worst game on BYOND. I'd rather play a Dragonball Zeta Rip.
Sadly 90% of its rips are better then this although thats not hard to achieve...
NBOLT's and Zeta is the worst game in byond i rather playing Dragonball Elysium 3
We know already, stfu please.
In general, the game looks like a hobo that was beaten the hell out of, ran over 10000 times, and then scrapped off the road.

Question: Why doesn't BYOND take it off the list, matter of fact, why doesn't it take all the rips off?
Cause thats an impossible task to take them all off...
Impossible? Nothing is impossible.
NekoMaidCafe wrote:
NBOLT's and Zeta is the worst game in byond i rather playing Dragonball Elysium 3

Zeta came first. Elysium is a rip, a bad one at that, know your stuff.

I say there should be a mandatory Cleaning of old, unused, dead hubs. anyhting that has been inactive for more then 2 months should be removed
THIS IS NOT THE PLACE TO TALK ABOUT THAT STUFF! Only have messages regarding the REVIEW, and how its made, or if its unfair(Or stuff along that line!). There is a forum for that stuff.

Replying or posting after this message is just like advertising NBOLTS, but if you advertise something that is saying NBOLTS is bad, isn't a good idea.

So stop the posts.
How is it advertising?

Any ways, the game is retarded any ways.
Tyreign wrote:
How is it advertising?

Any ways, the game is retarded any ways.

u sir its not retarded say that again ill hunt u down
The game is pretty horrible.
The Game Sucks Case Closed
cough game sucks cough repetative like hell.
Rugg wrote:
The game is pretty horrible.

Stop dissing it like you have been for the past 2 years. The whole reason people are even allowed to post on the quality of the review. Typical WotS junkie right?

The review was fairly rough, but somewhat accurate. But as seeing as Goditz has been gone for 9-10 months, therefor no updates in about a year, i think we are doing fairly well, regardless of what flamers have to say. Also Bakasensei, you didn't review the whole game, only the very beginning. If you want to review how the game is actually suppose to be log on the main server run by Goditz's Staff and page Hinashou, Yoshino, or any GM for that matter to answer any of the questions you have.(I suppose some hater will respond to this becuase they always do)

Well, thats waht reviewing a game is about, I got to where I did without telling an admin or anything, and recorded and said waht I thought about it. See if I tell an admin they will give me speacial conditions.

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