Well im happy to be in Byond becose theres a lots of games, lots of funs and lots of friends to play with, well then if you guys want to put me in your friendlist, its ok, see you guys later =)
sometimes im not in Byond becose my friends wants to play with me, sometimes im busy or something
Byond theres some games i play and if you guys wants to find me, well ok ...
Dragon Ball games: Squall, Leon, Lloyd, Leon-Squall
Bleach games: Rahz Wolf (Z), MatFire
Resident Evil Online 1 & 2: Leon-Squall
Final Fantasy games: Lloyd
i think thats all, well see ya ^_^
News: My internet sucks! always got D/C -_-"
-Xbox Live Gametag-
HyperLegender - Gold (PrivateMessage only)

sup leon my homie
sup dude i am broly x on dbz lost saiyans 3