Keywords: links
[Update: After further research, it turns out that JT Gibson originally pointed out this site back in 2002! So maybe this will be new to those of you who've been around BYOND for less than six years...]

I've seen this site before, but somehow I forgot to bookmark it. It's oriented around pen-and-paper RPG's, but there's plenty of information here that's applicable to computer RPG design as well.

The site:

The downloads page:

A sample download: supplemental_07_city_places.txt

Pretty nifty, huh?
I remember tagging my website with "Read or I'll get medieval on your [arse]! (No, I'm not being paid to say this.)"

I actually haven't been keeping tabs on RPTips as of late, mainly because I lost access to my [email protected] account in 2005 or so (due to a well-intended-but-frustrating-anti-spam port block by my ISP) and then lost the entirety of my archived copies from the mailing list in 2006.

Still, it's a great resource and I definitely recommend it.
can somone give me an easy and simple way 2 make games or in othefr words break the whole game making process down 2 something a 13 year old can understand please cuz im clueless and there r 2 pokemon games i wana make so please help me!