Keywords: exams, school
Tomorrow, I have both my Economics (units 5 and 6 - essentially just micro and macro) and Biology (central concepts + unifying concepts) exams. At this moment in time, things aren't completely bad. I think I've done reasonably in my AS, definitely sufficiently well to score As overall this year. There's still hope.

However, after tomorrow, all that hope may shatter. I write this post as a reminder to myself of a better time (on the assumption that I fail tommorow).
Hey, half of what it takes to pass a test is confidence; don't count yourself out just yet! Do what you can today, get a good night's rest, and do your best tomorrow.

Whatever happens, happens. If things don't turn out well, it isn't the end of the world.'d this go DAU?
The results are coming out on the 14th of August - will update my blog about them. I felt that the exams went a lot better than expected (Economics unit 5 had the question I was hoping for and unit 6 did to some extent also + Biology central concepts was as expected and unifying concepts was a very strange and unpredictable paper).
Well, the results are here. In Economics:

Unit 5 - C
Unit 6 - B (1 mark lower and it would have been a C as well)


Central concepts - A
Synoptic - (low) B

Overall though, combined with my marks from last year, I got As in both subjects and I'm very pleased with my results =).