Societies since ancient times have been comprised of multiple classes of people living together in an organized collective in the same region for the general benefit of all. While it goes without saying that some benefit from this arrangement more so than others, overall people are more prosperous and happy when working together in this manner.

In the early stages of man's societal development, classes were already well formed. These rose mainly out of differences in gender, skill, age, race, ethnic heritage and more. Tribes were divided into warriors, elders, mothers and children, each with their own designated place in their small society. The earliest of our known civilizations, the Sumerians, relied on a caste system to divide classes, with three tiers, the highest of course being the ruling class called the amelu. They were comprised of government officials, priests and professional soldiers.

As it was in Sumeria, so it is in all societies today. We've divorced ourselves of the caste system, for the most part, but we still rely on class divisions to determine our place in the world round us. It's simply the nature of man, to seek higher class and protect their own from lower classes.

Generally, people only breed with others of their own class or higher, with the object being to provide a better opportunity for future generations of your family. You can try and work your way up the class system, but this is generally frowned upon. The higher your class, the less likely you are to breed lower. This leaves the few at the top in quite a pickle.

You see, since nobody is of a higher class than the ruling class, there's no new infusion of fresh DNA. Being at the pinnacle, they won't stoop very low to look for mates, and the influx from below is slow. So often times what happens is families interbreed to the point of ridiculousness. The pharaohs of Egypt kept their sisters for wives. Kings married first cousins. We're better about it now, but it's still a problem for the upper class.

Thank god for T.V., though. Hollywood and the entertainment industry bring in a lot of fresh blood for the upper class elites. Ok, so maybe they're not all that great of stock, but at least they look nice. The old crust at the top was starting to mutate. Sure, they had the industrial revolution bring in some new families wealth (and let's not forget war, the great maker of men), but even those trees weren't far from the grove.

People tend to look out for one another. Well, if you're family or a friend we do. Yeah, we try to help strangers in need and little old ladies cross the street, but we're not paying their mortgage. You give when you can to those you love in hopes that in the end they'll have better lives. Human nature, right? The elite are no different.

The problem of government arises from its ties to the upper classes, their closed community nature and this desire to further your family and friends in life. It just happens their family and friends are also upper-class elite, and helping usually amounts to consolidating wealth and power. In a closed system with only one class, this would be great. Unfortunately, in the process the lower classes get used and abused to further the upper class families.

It's just the way things work. You don't steal from your own neighborhood. When the upper classes vies for more power and wealth, it doesn't usually come from the upper class. It comes from the lowest class. The reason is simple: the lower class is the least resistant to power and least likely to retaliate when violated. Unfortunately for the upper class, this only holds true if lower class is not united. Mobs are very powerful forces. Ask the French.

Because they can't have a mob uprising spoil their progress, the ruling class has devised many ingenious devises to fool the lower class into either giving away its power and wealth, or to remain ignorant of the fact that it is being taken from them. This is known as government. It's an ancient and barbaric practice, usually involving dark magic and blood rituals, that has changed little in the 6,000 or so years we've been utilizing it.

Democracy isn't government. Just so you know, majority rule has never worked. There's only two forms of government, authoritarian rule and anarchy. Believe it or not, but the USA is not an authoritarian country, we're more like an anarchy when you look at it from the state level. With corporate ties and special interests, elite corruption and general backstabbing, outright foul play and immorality in the highest levels, there's nothing organized about it. It's a chaotic mess posing as a legitimate governing body. A monster in a man suit.

The elite are behind it, too. That is to say, they are it. Government is a game being played on a global board, and you and me? We're not even on the map. We're a stat, at best. A token to be traded for goods and resources. This whole Red vs. Blue thing is a joke. You're not in control, you never have been.

I see where your going at. We need some of our government's flaws fixed. You went a little too far though, on it. Democracy is a government, but like all others it has flaws: pork belly, not using majority rule in deciding the president, etc.
It's a good thing I'm voting for Obama since he's lowering the taxation of low/middle classes while taxing the upper class even more.

Those shadowy elites sure are tricksters, making it look like they're taxing themselves and all.
It's a good thing I'm voting for Obama since he's lowering the taxation of low/middle classes while taxing the upper class even more.

You're not just taxing evil corporate pigs and billionaires. The high taxes on the rich already seriously hurt small businesses that could really use that extra money to grow. If they would at least give more choices as to what you could invest that tax money to, I'd be more on board.

Politicians are too one-dimensional. They think, "poor people are struggling? let's just tax rich people even more!" without looking at the big picture. There are deeper reasons for the struggles.

I get slammed with income tax and I'm not even remotely rich.

Obama might as well be a communist.
Obama might as well be a communist.

And that would be a bad thing? :P

More seriously, I honestly don't understand why he's considered so radical. Honestly, by Australian standards he's practically centrist.
If you're making more than $603K a year then you're not exactly a small business anymore.
For those of you who posted "omg conspiracy", you're morons. Read what I wrote before commenting. As you can see, what I describe is not an evil plot or some elite conspiracy, it's simple human nature. The problem with government is an underlying problem with humanity itself. There's no evil puppet master making your lives shit. Quit being fucking morons and think for a fucking change.
The problem is Xooxer you're basically a laughing stock- nobody here will ever be able to take you seriously again, regardless of what you say. :p
That's nice. How about not commenting unless you're participating. I'm growing tired of your stupidity.
oh boo hoo
And if you're going to try and be funny, at least be fucking original. "omg Xooxer is crazy conspiracy nut" is little old, don't you think?
Xooxer wrote:
As you can see, what I describe is not an evil plot or some elite conspiracy, it's simple human nature.

factz pl0x

Every single one of my comments (with supporting evidence) has been "debunked" by your ranting. Please show me how you've come to your conclusions.

Surely you researched what you've posted rather than formulating the scenarios entirely in your head.
I only see one post with anything resembling 'evidence', and what you provide only states what Obama is saying he'll do regarding taxes. You obviously know absolutely nothing about politics if you actually believe that heap. Everyone says something bout lowering taxes, taxing the rich and big business. Guess what? It don't happen. It's just BS to get your vote, to make you think you're doing some good.

Your other post merely states a number (one which I notice you've edited since I first read it, so even your factz aren't factual). My post doesn't need sources. I don't need to provide detailed scientific research to claim people are generally good natured and look out for their best interests. If you don't understand that then maybe you should get out more.
Xooxer wrote:
Your other post merely states a number (one which I notice you've edited since I first read it, so even your factz aren't factual).

Oh, I see. You're a puppet to the shadow council to spread fear and dissent. You take facts like me italicizing the word small and warp it around for your own propaganda. My eyes are clear, and my tin-foil hat scrunchy. You wont fool me, Xooxer.

I heard the jokes about you being bat-shit insane and thought otherwise. I came to post here with an open mind thinking surely you would listen to reason, apparently you don't. You're the same as the politicians you claim to hate, your last post proves how you twist around half-truths into your own little lies. No, Xooxer, you are the shadowy elite.

And then Xooxer was a politician.
This is your second post that makes absolutely no sense. If anyone is bat-shit crazy, it's you. Let's take a look, shall we?

"Every single one of my comments (with supporting evidence) has been "debunked" by your ranting."

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? My ranting debunked your comments? Are you daft?

"Oh, I see. You're a puppet to the shadow council to spread fear and dissent."

Riiiight. No idea where you're pulling this from, but it reeks of shit.

You take facts like me italicizing the word small and warp it around for your own propaganda.

Actually, you misread. Why am I not surprised? You edited the number. I was talking about the number. I even said so. The number was originally 300k, which you changed since to the current figure of 603k. Mighty big discrepancy for a supposedly factually accurate figure.

My eyes are clear, and my tin-foil hat scrunchy. You wont fool me, Xooxer."

No, indeed I won't. You're already fool enough for the both of us.
Now you know how everyone else feels while reading your posts.
My posts are outrageous because of their topic, not how they're written. If that's your idea of an open mind, you can keep it.
Thank you for the insight Xooxer.

