Dungeon Diver

by Vocal_nebula
A unique role-playing game brought to the BYOND Community.
Bug Fixes for Version 0.01 -

- Fixed some known issues with the fireball and turf clashing.

- Fixed a loading issue when characters weren't fully saved and produced an abundance of issues.

- Selecting now has now been incorporated with big enemies such as the "Skeleton King".

- The mini-map generator now doesn't lag once the map has been viewed once before.

- Other minor issues that aren't worth mentioning(Grammatical errors and other small cases of the sort.)

Version 0.01 -
- Sound effects and music incorporated.

- Mini-Map has been put in so navigating through the dungeon is a little bit easier.

- First dungeon is completely done.

- Gold and item drops incorporated after defeating monsters.

- Auto-targeting has been put in to reduce the hassle of clicking mobs to attack, but clicking is still optional.

- Settings tab to enable full screen, disable sound, and switch from click to double click and vice versa.

Credits -

F_Damage by Flick

OpenGameArt for multiple resources regarding the sounds.

Both Kunark and Shades for open-sourcing their project and giving me the inspiration to do something with it.

I am responsible for the design and programming of Dungeon Diver.

Feedback -

Any feedback would be very much appreciated. You can either comment on the forums, or email me/message me on MSN.

[email protected]
Really fun!
Take a chill pill man, a simple suggestion without using profanity could suffice.
Maybe this is something out of your control but updating the graphics a bit would definitely make the game more enjoyable in my opinion, unless that's what you're going for. Other than that, really fun game, awesome atmosphere.
As much as I would love that, I just don't see it happening anytime soon. These were resources that were free, which fit my budget perfectly. I was hoping that the game play could cover the graphics up.
I'm very interested in this game, graphics aren't a problem to me. It also has sounds! A small thing but hardly any games use them and to me this makes up for the lack of graphics. Sadly i am unable to even play though because of the window problem.If you have given up on this project could you host the source files or send them to me? I believe i can fix the problem if you just need help too, thanks.

To all those that complain about problems, you need to really post bug reports/suggestions and attempt to help these games other than just shout and yell about them.These games are in testing phases afterall and by playing you are meant to be helping said games.
Ah success, from the limited view i could see i found the options and clicked fullscreen! If your unable to fix your problem and do not want outside help, consider starting the game in fullscreen mode as a temporary workaround.
Love this game, would really like to see an official server for it though!
I plan to touch up some things and finish a majority of what I haven't. After all of that is done, I'll be sure to put up an official server.
Nice Game
Thanks Penguin, hope to improve on it soon.
Idk whos penguin
Oh, sorry, foxhounds. It's hard to know what you go by these days.
idk whos foxhounds.
Whos whybe?
idk any of these people i just joined byond -_-.
Don't make me guess every single one of your keys..
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