Venom Development wrote:
Okay, Now lets list all of McCains accomplisments

Since you know he has them, I assume you are hoping I won't have the energy to work it up.

But I will...probably not today, though, since I (unfortunately) need to get some work work done and have at least one more promised post on another subject I need to research, first.

Meantime, I await the flood of Obama accomplishments to refute what I said...
Here are some Non-government accomplishments that took me all of 3 minutes to find. Maybe you could skip the latest National Review article once in awhile, and read something that isn't retardedly biased towards conservatives.

- Graduated Magna cum laude from Harvard, as opposed to 5th to last

- Became the president of the Harvard Law review, and according to all members therein, did a good job (
Fuck National review for trying to make that a negative

- Set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization in Altgeld Gardens. ( Early_life_and_career_of_Barack_Obama#cite_note-30)

Also, I know that whatever I post up here will not change your mind, just as Obama's performance as president will not change any of the hardcore-right's minds.
Venom Development wrote:
Also, I know that whatever I post up here will not change your mind, just as Obama's performance as president will not change any of the hardcore-right's minds.

Actually a series of real accomplishments that showed him to be the moderate, pro-business pro-trade politician he claims to be would go a long way for him in my mind.

But you won't find in that sense, you are right.

And if as President he adopts any serious pro-trade or pro-business legislation, I will absolutely give him credit.

I give Clinton credit for his pro-trade actions, and I diss Bush the 2nd for his anti-trade actions.

I want the results, and I don't care who it is who enacts the results.

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