Keywords: interview, japan, lax, tm
Here is the second part of this interview that I am now starting:

Me: What kind of place do you think you are going to live in?
LAX: Psh... I don't know, a House?
Me: No idea huh?
LAX: Sure

Me: Are you going to go to school there?
LAX: Yes
Me: What kind of school?
LAX: A public school
Me: Better than ours?
LAX: Yeah sure, why not.
Me: Do they speak english at this school?
LAX: I don't know
Me: And if they don't, how will you communicate?
LAX: I don't know
Me: RetardssayIdontknow
LAX: What?
Me: Damnit!

Me: Will I be able to interview you after you come back?
LAX: I don't know
Me: Your a**hole dude, 'retardssayIdontknow' and you say 'what?'...

Me: Any special events?
LAX: What? What special events could you possibly be talking about? No theres no special events.
Me: Any ceremonies?
LAX: I don't know

Me: Do you think you will be able to speak fluent Japanese when you come back?
LAX: Sure

Me: Are you going to bring back any souvenirs?
LAX: Mm, possibly.
Me: For me?
LAX: ................ No

Me: Will you do me a favor?
LAX: What?
Me: Will you help me destroy Naruto once and for all?
LAX: .... Naruto sucks
Me: I kno-
LAX: Period.
Me: I know, thats why we need to destroy it.
LAX: When I think of Naruto I think of retarded ninjas in orange jumpsuits who think they can accomplish anything they want because they shout it outloud over...and over....and over again. Like if I just sat here and said, "I want to be the President, BELIEVE IT!" Then apparently it would happen, because I shouted it like a retard. Period.
Me: So your saying President Obama shouted that?
LAX: No I didn't say that, I said if this was Naruto that would be the case.
Me: What about Former President Bush?
LAX: When I think of President Bush I think of, 'What is more acceptable for a presidency than the closest thing to Larry the Cable Guy with a minor education in Narutoism.'

Me: Explain Narutoism
LAX: Mi juevos es muy grande y tu madre es muy estupido.
Me: I don't speak Japanese.
LAX: Now I think of this situation that you and I are having at this moment can be simply explained by two things:
Numero Uno: Your lack of intelligence.
Numero Dos: Tu juevos es muy pequeno y tu padre es muy feo.
Me: I said I don't speak Japanese.
LAX: *speechless*
Me: *waiting*
LAX: In Pokemon you capture random animals and you make them fight each other for money and I find that enjoyable.
Me: Are you saying that Japanese people have some sort of connection to Pokemon?
LAX: ...Possibly
Me: Conspiracy?
LAX: .....Im Sorry, I have something stupid in my ear.
Me: I don't see anything.
LAX: How about you try saying something that doesn't make your mom cry at night?

Me: One year seems a long time, how will you deal with this?
LAX: Well, when you have the Japanese to keep you company-

The interview was cut short as our teacher needed to show us some apple movie stuff, and the fact that LAX needed to get his work done for the class before he leaves for Japan. Hopefully in a year, a new interview will be created, and it will show us the adventures LAX has taken through Japan, one that will eventually (never) become a movie. So I give you the second interview of three, with my friend LAX...

It doesn't take intelligence to use a half year of Spanish 1 in a conversation. Besides, he probably took even less Spanish than that, he can't even conjugate his verbs correctly or use the correct adjectives. Juevo isn't even a word!

My guess is that he meant this: "My balls are very big and your mother is ugly" and "Your balls are small and your father is ugly". Right there, he calls himself gay.
That was kinda funny to read. :P
Hmm, I enjoyed the first part much more. But it was still funny.
If I went to Japan I'd come back with an STD.
I was the one writing what he was saying, so if theres spelling mistakes it would be my fault.

But anyways, Throughout today he was just like, 'Stop bothering me, I only have two days to get this stuff done.'
That was hilarious. I'll miss these interviews.

Doesn't he have a phone or something that you can interview him DURING the trip with? :O
Mechana2412 wrote:
That was hilarious. I'll miss these interviews.

Doesn't he have a phone or something that you can interview him DURING the trip with? :O

I would subscribe if he did.
Mechana2412 wrote:
That was hilarious. I'll miss these interviews.

Doesn't he have a phone or something that you can interview him DURING the trip with? :O

I'll have to ask him tommorrow.

EDIT: Im actually running out of questions to ask him :0
Well once he's in Japan, there'll be plenty.