Naruto: Shinobi Shukumei

by Jose SN.
Naruto: Shinobi Shukumei
NSS, one of the most advanced, innovative, balanced and original naruto games on BYOND, with features such as: tree traveling, clone sparring and hand seal jutsu execution. We are now being hosted on a shell server 24/7 with no lag!

Naruto: Shinobi Shukumei


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Jose SN - Jose SN.

Jose SN - Jose SN.

Icon Artists
Accepting Applications

Graphic Artists
Accepting Applications

Forum Artists
Accepting Applications

Accepting Applications

Player Rules

1. No adult links in any way shape of form - boot then ip ban if repeated.
2. No spam of any sort (logining in spam , asking bout p-wipes constantly, whispering, killing and etc...) - boot then ban if repeated.
3. No advertising other games - ip ban.
4. No language that could be considered racist, sexist and etc... keep swearing to a minimum - mute then boot then ban if repeated.
5. No constant use of caps lock in chat channels - mute.
6. No disrespecting Administrators - mute if continued banned.
7. No abuse of bugs if you find one report it on the forum instantly - ban if your found abusing

Very good
when is the game comin back up??
when the game is back ill be back muhahahaha
Ugh why is it taking SO long to get back up?
i really want to play and have fun so when will it be back up
When does it Come Back I WANNA PLAY IT!!!!!
You guyzzzz know that you are asking the same question again and again.... i mean seriously guyz dont take this the bad way.. but dont you people have anything else to do i tried this game before i bet half of you know who i am but .. well not now cuz im on my other acc but.. get over it! (Im The Top Ninja/Freezen Bullet.)
oh and the more you ask.............. the more ou wait!
Young Wolf11 wrote:
You guyzzzz know that you are asking the same question again and again.... i mean seriously guyz dont take this the bad way.. but dont you people have anything else to do i tried this game before i bet half of you know who i am but .. well not now cuz im on my other acc but.. get over it! (Im The Top Ninja/Freezen Bullet.)get a life noob

guys when it will be online I love this game !!!!!!!
Hm, I just want to know, will this be up any time soon? Or well, if ever? Because this is the best game on byond, well at best the best Naruto one at least. So if you can give me an idea of when it'll be up, that'd be great.
I used to play this game like 24/7 or when ever it was on because it was first the only game with tree walking and haveing to use handsigns and it was cool with the puppets
This game will be on Again ?
Definetly want to play this again :O Get it on asap
Jose please come back, let us enjoy shinobi shukumei again =)
if game doesnt go back up id like a source to work with. this is a great game and id like it continued.
i miss this game :(
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