Back anything up?.. It's odd how you assume that you're just so non-affiliated with anime; when you're in possession of two rips.

Rugg wrote:
Back anything up?.. It's odd how you assume that you're just so non-affiliated with anime; when you're in possession of two rips.

I know what I know from other games and I watched DBZ like 6 years ago. You can keep talking shit about me and my rips but in the end I don't give a fuck. And if anything you shouldn't either, its not like their in your way anyway
For a guy who doesn't give a fuck you sure do go the extra lengths to try and insult me. The least i'd expect from the unknown ninja from hell.
Oh noe you've figured out my alternative key which I told everyone about, I bet you feel proud huh. Anyways I'm done with this, unsubscribed.
ummmmmmmmmmm since this is my page and u guys are commenting on it i will say something about everyones comments im sorry if i disappointed many of you if i bought the game or if i didn't really try as hard for the game but that doesn't mean its over u always got to get to know something to make it a success. If u guys dont like me for any reasons thats called hatting people . And trying to know everything u possibly can and then when u think you know something u make up the other half of the story thats called instigating those words are something people dont like too make make everything work those words and actions got to go do u guys dig
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