BYOND Version:441
Operating System:Windows XP Pro
Web Browser:Chrome
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Resolved

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:

When I walk too speedy the border gets blackened in the direction opposite to the direction of my Walking..
Noticed in this version --
It wasnt there in previous versions

[edit by Lummox JR]
This bug exists in 440 as well; it is not new.
I tried to look into this but was not able to reproduce the problem in my test world. Do you have a demo project that shows the problem?
Well its my game that has it . More over every game like has it. More than one people has observed it. Trust Me. Well I have a code, this changes client eye a lot. It works like a Quake provindin an earthquake effect.Falacy has also observed this Bug.
I still need some kind of demo. As I said, I was unable to reproduce this on my own.
OK here it it add this code in any game -
if(M.client.mob.Shake!="On") return
M.client.eye = get_steps(M,pick(NORTH,SOUTH,EAST,WEST),str)
verb/Quaker(e as num,k as num)

Verb Quae Effect and Put e= 100 and k=2+
If he's talking about when you move the camera updating about a millisecond later, then yea I get that bug without any code, just moving. it's a bit annoying but its not really important.
I've verified the issue with Getenks' sample code, except it is not new to 441 as per the original post. It appears for me only when joining the game over a remote connection, and only intermittently. The problem appears to be that the client wants to draw a map update before the server has sent full map info, ultimately making it a timing issue. This bug is verifiable in at least 440, and probably goes back as far as 413 or even BYOND 3.0.
It started in 440, there was a conversation about it on the forums somewhere, in the old bug report section I believe. Its another one of the problems that came up with that gliding fix.
The quaker demo shows the same problem in 439. If there is a new issue then that demo does not adequately demonstrate it. I have found no evidence of any new issue, either when playing locally or over the network.
This issue was resolved in an earlier version. New tests confirm the timing problem has disappeared.