Not a bug
Not a bug -- resolved with update to reference
BYOND Version:440
Operating System:Windows XP Home
Web Browser:Firefox
Status: Not a bug

This is not a bug. It may be an incorrect use of syntax or a limitation in the software. For further discussion on the matter, please consult the BYOND forums.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
When world.timeofday falls into negatives, one hour's skew is added to any timestamp result. I tested it in 440 (since the Linux version we're running won't support a 442 compile yet) and Tiberath tested it in 442. I lose an extra hour using the stamp_timeofday verb below, and Tiberath gains one.

It's important to note that this only happens when the "after" item described in the output falls into negatives using the stamp_timeofday() verb, but not otherwise.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1.) Compile and run below code.
2.) Set offset to a negative integer that, when multiplied by 36000, will cause a negative result when subtracted from timeofday (when I discovered the bug at 10 PM central, I used -5).
c.) Use stamp_realtime() verb. Note correct output.
4.) Use stamp_timeofday() verb. Note one hour's skew.

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
var/t = text2ascii(s,i)
if(t == 47 || t < 45 || t > 57) return i
return 0
. = 0
if(isnum(t)) . = (t*36000)
else if(istext(t))
var/c = _delimiter(t)
h = round(text2num(copytext(t,1,c)))
m = round(text2num(copytext(t,c+1)))
. = ((h*36000)+(m*600))
else . = (text2num(t)*36000)
offset = _duration2tick(offset)
world << "timestamp() -- offset: [offset]"
var/timey = stamp
stamp += offset
world << "timestamp() -- before: [num2text(timey,15)]/after: [num2text(stamp,15)]/diff: [stamp-timey]"
world << time2text(stamp,"")

var/t_offset = ""
set_offset(t as text)
set desc = "hh:mm text or hh integer; positive and negative are valid"
src.t_offset = t
world << "stamp_realtime():"
world << timestamp(src.t_offset,world.realtime)
world << "stamp_timeofday():"
world << timestamp(src.t_offset,world.timeofday)

Expected Results:
A timestamp src.t_offset hours in the past.

Actual Results:
Output from above code (using -7 as a t_offset at 12:16 AM central):
timestamp() -- offset: -252000
timestamp() -- before: 2983581696/after: 2983329792/diff: -251904

timestamp() -- offset: -252000
timestamp() -- before: 189876/after: -62124/diff: -252000

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every time.
In other games? Not known.
In other user accounts? Not tested.
On other computers? Not owned.

When does the problem NOT occur?
It doesn't not occur to those who have tested it thus far.

Using world.realtime works with the expected 20-30 second skew, but it's not really desirable for use in chat timestamps.
timestamp -- offset: -504000
timestamp -- before: 2.98355e+009/after: 2.98305e+009/diff: -504064

timestamp -- offset: -504000
timestamp -- before: 161802/after: -342198/diff: -504000

I get some different results when thrown into negative units.
Falacy wrote:
How is this a BYOND bug? Seems to be caused by your own functions.

The same timestamp format and negative tick offset applied to timeofday and realtime produce two different results.
Mobius Evalon wrote:
The same timestamp format and negative tick offset applied to timeofday and realtime produce two different results.

world.timeofday and world.realtime aren't the same number to begin with?
If you display the month/day/year on the time stamp you can see a more clear breakdown of the data. Most likely due to timeofday not storing date information? and hence becoming a negatively imaginary time =o
timestamp() -- offset: -432000
timestamp() -- before: 2983822592/after: 2983390720/diff: -431872
Sun Jun 06/14/2009 19:57.52

timestamp() -- offset: -432000
timestamp() -- before: 430720/after: -1280/diff: -432000
Fri Dec 12/31/1999 18:57.52

EDIT: With the difference in months it could be offsetting for daylight savings?
What you're seeing here is a result of the inevitable hackery needed to make world.timeofday work as a timestamp at all. If the timestamp given to time2text() is between 0 and 864000, it assumes it's working with a timeofday value and applies that time to the current date. This keeps the timeofday value working with daylight savings and other fun stuff.

However with a negative value, time2text() is interpreting the result as a raw date.

Solution: If you're using a timeofday value, use time % 864000 to get a positive number and then feed that into time2text() instead. I have tested this and confirms it works.

I don't think this quite counts as a bug as such. This behavior does, however, need to be documented in time2text().