Keywords: by, date, games, order, play, sort
BYOND Version:N/A (Website Bug)
Operating System:Windows 7 Pro
Web Browser:Chrome 19.0.1084.46
Applies to:Website
Status: Resolved (web)

This issue has been resolved.
Correct me if I am wrong but, I don't think this is as intended.

I can't seem to make any sense or order of what the sorting is doing here.
I don't like how it doesn't display the year for the ones I assume which are supposed to be 2012.
Something's definitely wrong with the sort. I'll look into it tomorrow.
Isn't it the date that the hub is listed (which is appropriate)? The dates shown next to the members name seems random though. Maybe the date shown is the date the hub is "visible", and the order is the date the game is "listed".

Nevermind, I didn't realize this was a report about game search dates, while the other is forum post search dates.
Heh, I went ahead and marked this as a duplicate before I realized it wasn't. This issue has a fix ready to go.
Lummox JR resolved issue