Fixed in 448
BYOND Version:447
Operating System:Windows XP Pro
Web Browser:N/A
Status: Resolved (448)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
Operations directly on the length of the list cannot exceed a length of 65535. What magic BYOND is doing on the back-end to make this happen I can't say (and really it's not interesting enough for me to investigate), but I'll make a small demonstration:

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
Change L.len directly to a number above 65535, or use ++L.len when list length is 65535 or higher.

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
var/list/L = new(65536)
usr << "new/list(65536); result: [L.len]"

L.len = 65536
usr << "L.len = 65536; result: [L.len]"

var/list/L = new(65535)
usr << "Initial len: [L.len]"

L += null // Adding like this goes beyond 65535
usr << "Add an element: [L.len]"

usr << "Increment length: [L.len]"

var/list/L = new(65535)
usr << "Initial len: [L.len]"

L.Add(null) // Add() works properly as well
usr << "Add an element: [L.len]"

Expected Results:
list.len should change to the correct value regardless of how list length is modified.

Actual Results:
list.len is capped at 65535 when modified directly.

Add items to the list instead of altering list.len in code.