Fixed in 448
BYOND Version:447
Operating System:Windows 2000
Web Browser:Internet Explorer 7.0
Status: Resolved (448)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary: BYONDHelp?command=view_tracker_issue&tracker_issue=211

I posed this issue awhile ago, and it was fixed. It seems that it has come back, though. It's the same exact problem and description.

This time I am using no checked boxes and making something happen. It brings up an alert box at the same time.
The fact that you made a change that calls alert() makes this by definition not the exact same bug. In fact it's an entirely different bug with similar symptoms, and it actually has more in common with issue 213 than 211. Issue 211 was correctly marked as resolved, since this is a separate case and actually isn't related to the opening of a skin window.

The alert() call was central to the problem. While I was able to figure this out, in future bug reports it would be best to post revised info such as the changed code snippet used to trigger the problem.
Good point. I'll be sure to remember that.
Bug fix: Calls to alert() and input() caused by a macro press could result in the macro not being used the next time its key combination was pressed. Now the key is considered released, and triggers any related up-key macros, before the popup box appears. (This bug is related to issue 213 which was a similar problem.)