Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

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When rapidly compiling and testing it can be annoying to have to close a bunch of DS windows which have piled up. It would be nice if there was a way to have only one DS window open for testing and just have it reboot every time you compile.
Sometimes I run the game, make a few changes and run another instance. Check which one I like most simultaneously. Compare them side-by-side.
If DS were to reboot, it will eliminate the ability to do side-by-side comparison.
Although the idea is good, workaround for a side by side comparison would be much more time consuming and confusing(duplicate the project, fix the trusted/safe issue due to name change, run the original and duplicate), compared to just closing the DS after you are done with it.
However an option to run the game in a new DS instance or current instance would satisfy both.
I'm bumping this, but for a different reason.

How about something like #define DEBUG which lets developers tick off a flag which only allows a single instance of the compiled dmb to be ran?
Kind of like locking the DMB, similar to how to the DME (when programming) and RSC (when ran) files are locked?

I'm sure it'd just be generating a file.
Sort of, I guess. You could try creating your own .lk file when running the game but consider the scenario where the game crashes and it doesn't remove the file. How is it supposed to know you should be able to run the game even though the file is there?