This issue has been marked as a duplicate of id:65473
BYOND Version:456
Operating System:Windows XP Home
Web Browser:Firefox 3.5.5
Status: Duplicate

This issue has been marked as a duplicate of id:65473
Descriptive Problem Summary:
Flick displays only one frame of the scaled icon's animation.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
-Make client icon, add icon_state (animation) with few frames and name it somehow.
-Scale client's 32x32px icon to 64x64px icon,
-Flick the icon_state which has few frames (this will only display one frame)

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
var/icon/A = new(usr.icon, usr.icon_state)

Expected Results:
Flick displays all frames of the icon_state.

Actual Results:
Flick displays just one frame of the icon_state.

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?Everytime
In other user accounts?Yes
On other computers?Yes

When does the problem NOT occur?

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? The problem didn't occur in any earlier versions because this feature was added in last version.

Not a perfect way becasue I guess the animation doesn't start at 1st frame:
spawn(3/*frames amount*/)

This report has incorrect information. Please edit your report to show the actual BYOND version in which you had this problem.
The problem turns out to be an issue with overlays that we've had for a while, and there is already a separate bug report for this. What's happening is that the 'blank.dmi' icon you're using for the mob has no "test" state so the flick only lasts for one frame. Overlay frames sync up to the frame number of the main atom's flick, not to their own actual icon's delay, which is the bug.

Actually you kind of have two issues here in that even if we fix the problem of overlays in flicks behaving inappropriately, it's not a certainty that we would have the flick of the overlay last as long as the overlay's animation. Instead it's most likely that the flick would last only for as long as the main icon's animation, which is what you're seeing right now. The workaround you would need to use then is the same: Add a "test" state to blank.dmi that has five blank frames.
The problem persist