
Poll: Should the base be Naked or Clothed?

Naked 48% (20)
Clothed 51% (21)

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Hey guys, I wanted to see what you guys thought about this.

I've realized that if I have to do a battle stance + animations for EACH race, it would be impossible to keep track of a naked base to then overlay it everytime with new armors etc.

So the alternative would be to make a new base everytime - already clothed. You would be able to choose the color scheme in the character creation screen ofc... And get to see the base animate alot smoother in game.

If I can't do premade bases for each race, then I'm afraid the main base will only have "general" animations - plan old punches and kicks to copy and paste in every race, and generalized animations for skills like shoryuken stances, hadouken poses, flash stepping punches and a fancy karate kick - more or less EVERY attack in the game would be animated with these animations...

Go ahead and vote; Naked base with general animations, or Pre-Made with unique animations.
Naked, it would be easier on your part for customization.

Quality shouldn't be replaced all-for Customization , but I'm sure with your skills you would satisfy both ends.
I wonder if everyone is reading the post before voting. Do you all really prefer customizing your base over unique animations for each race? unique idle / battle stances included, and unique attack patterns.

p.s. i will note vote, and i will take into higher consideration opinions from people who i respect.
In response to Zete
Zete wrote:
I wonder if everyone is reading the post before voting. Do you all really prefer customizing your base over unique animations for each race? unique idle / battle stances included, and unique attack patterns.

p.s. i will note vote, and i will take into higher consideration opinions from people who i respect.

I wouldn't say they prefer it, I'd say that they would all prefer both equally.
"Quality over quantity."
It's apparent that you don't like the naked base option so I don't know why you don't just go with the premade bases. You said yourself the game is going to be plain and have copy/pasted animations and are now asking people a second time if they really meant to vote for naked bases ( a sign they chose an option you don't agree with ).
I rather customize my character is all Im saying
Dunno why you just don't go do whatever option you want, personally. Ultimately, I find I don't care about either option, if the game is remotely fun.
In response to Stephen001
Stephen001 wrote:
Dunno why you just don't go do whatever option you want, personally. Ultimately, I find I don't care about either option, if the game is remotely fun.

You dont get tired of seeing thousands of people looking like you or seeing the same looking people everywhere? I mean yea you can change the color but that means nothing.
Unique animations are also pretty cool too though imo. But as the rest said, I think you should just pick whatever is easier on you.
In response to ImmeasurableHate
Not really. I tend not to be noticing those details, because I'm playing the game. The character becomes a token, a representation for my gameplay, nothing more.
funny how balanced out the votes are though.
My inclination would say, that the customisation aspect really doesn't matter, unless you're making some kind of MMO / sanbox thing. If you look at most games, the customisation they offer is actually fairly trivial, if they even choose to do so at all. I don't think it's going to be a central part of your game (at least, I hope it's not going to be), and truth be told, people are not going to avoid playing it simply because they can't dress their character in a questionable pimp hat.
On the contrary, I will not be logging into this game until I see proof of a questionable pimp hat.
Frogs are not people.
Neither are honey badgers. Your argument is invalid.
Like I care.
And on that day not a single ...
Don't take opinions from a community that enjoys playing a DBZ game where they wait for their character to hit SSJ. Seriously.
In response to Avainer1
A majority of people in this topic are quite against those games. So, what is your point?