Alchemist Classic

by Oasiscircle
Alchemist Classic
Combine elements and create chain reactions to thwart your foes!

#1 Flash Speed 633
#2 D4RK3 54B3R 530
#3 Klra 505
#4 Ragneo 502
#5 ELGears 489
#6 Lexeous-kun 487
#7 Super Saiyan X 358


#1 Alitron123 620
#2 Higoten 605
#3 Jittai 549
#4 Tyrantis123 546
#5 Vendettaune 479
#6 Truseeker 474
#7 Magnum2k 468
#8 TheBrawler424 455
#9 Acebloke 454
#10 Yusuke13 441
#11 TikTik 409

Congratulations, Flash Speed and Alitron123 for winning their brackets! They have both received their prizes.
We'll see if we have another tournament at a later date. If you want to hold one of your own, feel free to contact me and I'll setup the tourney system again! (:
I'm sure they both cheated.
There was a tourney? wat
wtb eliminations bracket.
In response to EmpirezTeam
Yep, you got me. I used cheat engine.
GJ ali
Nice one Ali, congrats.