
by Kuraudo
A small pathfinding library for your game.
This is a small pathfinding library, based on Theodis.Pathfinder, under what I believe to be a better/more elegant design. It currently supports the A* pathfinding algorithm and may be updated in the future to include more.

- Update 02/27/2010:
*** This version should perform better than previous versions (my tests showed on average roughly a 60% speed-up).
*** Backwards-compatibility is broken. I've removed the path var from /pathfinder; thus, New() can no longer be used to calculate paths. See the bottom of for more information regarding this.
I really love this library and I use it in many projects.
When do you plan on implementing something else, like Dijkstra?
Metamorphman wrote:
I really love this library and I use it in many projects.

Thanks! I'm releasing an update tonight that will break backwards-compatibility with it. If you update your library, you're going to need to update a few things:
- /pathfinder no longer has a path var; thus New() can no longer be used to calculate the path. search() must be used explicitly.
- search() returns the path directly, or null if no path was found. Previously, it returned TRUE or FALSE.

When do you plan on implementing something else, like Dijkstra?

If nothing's wrong with the update I release tonight and assuming any motivation for it, hopefully my next update will include a little bit of Dijkstra. If all goes well, maybe by the end of the weekend? :)
I love this new update! The new speed boost is great!
When I get to somewhere I can use paypal, I'm going to donate to you for sure. :)