Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Copied from BYOND Features forum by Lummox JR

If you set multiple inputs to a series in tab order shouldn't you be able to tab from one to the next to the next while the game is running? (Inputs being non-command, that is)
a parameter that would be given to a window.
this parameter would be a list that would contain the ids or names of windows, buttons, inputs, menus, etc.
and when someone would click the 'tab' key and there is no macro set on tab, it would do as the tab key would normally do;
set focus on the next thing in the 'tab order'

the main purpose of this would be like, for forms based in the interface...I guess.
In response to Super Saiyan X
This is already possible. The same system that determines what layer a control appears on the interface also controls the tab order. Give it a try.
In response to Super Saiyan X
I've tried using tab...nothing happens.
In response to Super Saiyan X
Seems to be working for me. Try it on a window with no macro set defined.
In response to Super Saiyan X
this window has no macro set defined, and I do not have a macro set for tab...
In response to Super Saiyan X
If this isn't working for you you can always make this system yourself rather easily.
In response to Super Saiyan X
In response to Super Saiyan X
Anyways, I wonder why most of these feature reqs get responses, a simple "yes", "no", or "maybe" will be fine.
In response to Super Saiyan X
27 of ~500 feature requests have been "resolved", I'd say the answer to everything is "no". Why we even bother submitting ideas... At least they fix most bugs.
In response to Super Saiyan X
I see no reason to worry about adding it. You can add it soft-coded very VERY easily. Just make a macro set to tab that changes the focus of elements based on a list. Simple.
In response to Super Saiyan X
I don't see a variable on controls which could be used for this purpose, and manually listing them out for every window would just suck. Even if one does exist, wingets are rather flunky, since they take an entire tick to process.
In response to Super Saiyan X
Falacy wrote:
I don't see a variable on controls which could be used for this purpose, and manually listing them out for every window would just suck. And even if one does exist, wingets are rather flunky, since they take an entire tick to process.
focus parameter, i'm pretty sure.
In response to Super Saiyan X
Super Saiyan X wrote:
focus parameter, i'm pretty sure.

You would then have to manually create a list of all the controls for every window, winget the control that has focus, find that control in the list, then winset focus to the next one in the list.
To find focus, you would have to loop through every control in existence, with a 1 tick delay each. Unless there's a method for this that I don't know.
In response to Super Saiyan X
Falacy wrote:
Super Saiyan X wrote:
focus parameter, i'm pretty sure.

You would then have to manually create a list of all the controls for every window, winget the control that has focus, find that control in the list, then winset focus to the next one in the list.
To find focus, you would have to loop through every control in existence, with a 1 tick delay each. Unless there's a method for this that I don't know.

winget(player, null, "focus") //will return the ID of the control, if any, that currently has keyboard focus.

In response to Super Saiyan X
Oh yea, I knew that, I even reported a bug about it not working early in 4.0 lol
Still, the rest of the setbacks apply. Not like its impossible if you think its a necessary or a major improvement for your game.
In response to Super Saiyan X
I just find it odd that tab is working pretty well for me (in fact I've made systems that rely on the behavior), I'd definitely consider this a bug and not a feature request. But in the meantime a workaround will have to do until someone can figure out why it's not working for some people and working for others.
In response to Super Saiyan X
Its not working for me, or the guy in that other feature request apparently =P
In response to Super Saiyan X
Maybe it has something to do with system specs/setup...

windows 7, 64-bit
...yeah tab to switch focus never worked for me.
In response to Super Saiyan X
Using Win7 64-bit here too. I'll do more investigation on this when I get home tomorrow.
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