Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

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Copied from BYOND Features forum by Airjoe

I think it would be very nice to see a "num" value for inputs. Num would work exactly how "as num" works. It would allows only for numbers to be put in a input box.

BYOND really should add this, it would make making Applications more feasible. I have never downloaded or bought a program what would let me enter text into a number input so why should BYOND allow this?

Just a idea.

Input validation is a tricky subject that will probably require regular expressions among other things to be feasible, per previous Features discussion.
A setting for skin inputs to only allow numbers, similar to the old
input("how much") as num
We have a password mask, and multi-line toggle. But why not a 'number-only' toggle? This would be useful for using custom inputs for buying items, dropping, etc.