Applies to:Website
Status: Open

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Its not a big deal, but why do the scores on the hub page appear on the left - with medals on the right. But when you go to edit them the medal section is on the left - with the scores on the right?

Why can't I rename "Top Players" to whatever I want?

The scores table should size to some specific width (preferably a %), possibly even an edit-able one. Having it size the columns based on the text in them is kinda weak.

When you have both scores and medals, it doesn't really make good usage of the screen space - especially on larger resolutions. ScoreScreenUsage.png

When deleting a medal it should tell you the name of the medal you're about to delete. Instead of that generic prompt.

I still think the Add a New Medal section should be at the top of the list instead of the bottom.

I think I've seen this requested before, and I agree, that the scores should be able to display more than 25 players per "page". It could at least span down to the bottom of the medals list.
Heck maybe just shorten the length of the medals. ScoreTableHeight.png

EDIT: Score formatting: The option to automatically insert commas and such on score data.
The issues with the scoring tables bug me to no end. I really wish we had more control over the way our hub entries look.
I'm bumping this too because I would like attention to be drawn to it, as well. I posted earlier but again, my comment was deleted.

Gist: Current setup barely leaves room for keys, let alone scores. Scores needs it's own tab, separate from Medals.