I'm a bit unschooled when it comes to things like optimization.

I have a game with a sort of side car to the inventory/status area that is used to display different things at different times (spells in the spellbook when you're casting a spell, information about an item being analyzed/examined, status of your followers during combat, etc.) I use a map control to accomplish this.

It seems to me that the easiest way to handle swapping between them seems to be to have a separate map control for each menu and then simply hide them and only show the one being used. But that would result in there being four or five map controls in the window, even if they're not all being shown. Is this something that would cause a problem? If I'm not doing anything with the hidden ones, are the going to be generating network traffic?

The alternative would be to have lists of what belongs to each version of the screen and have a proc that handles the switching, but I just don't know the pros and cons of the two methods.
I don't think HUDs (or... anything?) update (like, client-server-wise) at all if they're not changed in any way.
I didn't think they did, but I am so bad at the whole theory of optimization and I first learned to BYOND before the interface stuff was a thing.

I guess unless somebody pops up to tell me it'll destroy the universe, I'll proceed with the multiple controls... it will be slightly easier to switch it to one control later than it would be to proliferate them.
Map don't "do" anything on their own. Even your "main" map control doesn't make any changes to itself (for the most part) until you move or something moves in your view(). Having multiple maps that are just hidden from view shouldn't cause any lag or cpu issues.