I just thought this was interesting: it's the obituary of the man who wrote the program 'ping' in one night. He seemed like one hell of a programmer.
He died a decade ago, you know.
I would yea+ this for an interesting read if I was a member.

Someone who actually made a list of things to do in his life and accomplished so many of them that he was working on a new list. He sounded like someone who's deeply invested in the things they do. A good role model, its a shame he died young. Who knows what else he could have done for society with another 40 years of programming.
He had the potential to become the Bill Gates of the internet, died at a young age.

Great role model, great productive individual and an all around great inspiration to anyone.

Kinda 10 years late, but I'll yea+ for the hell of it.
He was too advanced for that age. I bet he was working on some ultra-intelligent robot to kill us all, and the government killed him.
