Applies to:BYOND Pager
Status: Redundant

This feature has already been implemented, or is already achievable with existing methods.
Could we possibly recieve an option to opt out of recieving STAs and pages that go towards multiple people? A simple checkmark of "Block pages sent to more than 3 people?" would suffice well, although being able to choose just how many people can be included on the page before its sent would be just dandy.
Because of the way the pager system works, I don't see this being very feasible. However this is an interesting idea so I wouldn't mind brainstorming in this general direction to see what we could come up with to put an end to page-alls.
If a message is being sent to three or more people you could just cancel it before it even goes out. Block it at the origin rather than the destination.

It would be a quick fix for the problem until you have more time to approach it later.
If you're not going to do anything about this then:
STA pages should just be completely removed. I have never once received one that I wanted, and the only one I can even remember getting, besides "JOIN MY RIP SERVER!" (on a daily basis), was the retarded chain mail claiming that BYOND accounts would be deleted if you didn't forward it.
There should also be a way to tell how many people a page was sent to, if not seeing the entire key list.
I use STA pages to give updates on my games... I don't have anyone on my pager, only people that've added me.

So basically, STA pages are fine, but there should be a way to block getting them.

I view it as a subscription list (on my end) because all of them have added me, and I say in each of my pages if you want to stop recieving them, then simply remove me from pager, yet they stay.
LordAndrew resolved issue (Redundant)
In the new pager, it is no longer possible to mass page users.