My byond pager is not working ..I can't log in cause every time i try to it says Byond Hub :connection failed....I can't get into website either it says server not found.(I can only get into it with a proxy ...Don't know why).And i can only get in with "guest" but when i do it stays offline ....Ive added byond to my exception list on my windows XP default firewall and even turned it off but it still doesn't work. My byond version is 468.1072 and im using windows XP with a Webstar Scientific atlanta DPC2100R2. Scientific-Atlanta/WebSTAR-DPR2320/BYOND_Dream_Seeker.htm

This should be in the Help forums however. And note that is how Dream Seeker used to look, now you would have to do it through the byond pager window I believe.
Something is screwed up with the new Byond versions some have increased lag and some are disconnecting connection, at least on Windows computers as far as I know.