In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Progress report: I have something working finally for objs and mobs. It's very rough around the edges and I think it needs a lot of cleanup, but the proof of concept is here--and I have it working with older messages, avoiding the need for a major version bump.

Awesome! Would this affect all images attached to mobs or would that be a separate case?
Images and animations are factored in, although I need to run tests.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Large, transformed, and animated objects should now behave much better when coming in and out of view.
Praise the lord
Updated to 1328, still seeing large objects pop in and out of view like before, will work up a demo and post a report in a bit.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
Updated to 1328, still seeing large objects pop in and out of view like before, will work up a demo and post a report in a bit.

NOOOOOOOOOOO T_T I just got on and saw the update and that it was fixed and then I read this. Sadness :(
In response to Nadrew
Yep, I'll definitely need a demo. My tests have all worked.
I'm not sure of the specifies yet, I just updated and recompiled MLAAS and noticed the light sources attached to the street lamps were still vanishing earlier than they should when moving away from them and coming back into view in a similar 'it's just here now'. I'll get a demo as quickly as I can, my laptop keyboard doesn't work so I have to type things up using my phone as a keyboard until my replacement arrives.
I sent you a project that demonstrates my issue and the right-click issue I'm also having, best I can do for the time being until I can code properly again.
oh fuk yea
In response to Nadrew
Can you put in a new beta bug report for the issue you found? I have a fix for it finally.
I don't think I have the willpower to type up a full bug report using my phone keyboard :)
In response to Nadrew
You can do it man xD. I type everything up on my phone
It's more that my phone is running an Android version that's years newer than it was ever meant to run, the keyboard tends to be so laggy it takes me forever to get things typed up. This post alone has taken close to 6 minutes lol
I posted it for you anyway, so no big deal.
In response to Lummox JR
Updated to 1330, still seeing large objects pop in and out of view like before.
In response to NSBR
NSBR wrote:
Updated to 1330, still seeing large objects pop in and out of view like before.

I'm actually seeing this as well with large images that I use for my parallax backgrounds.

Their loc is set to 1,1,z and they have a pixel offset to match with the player.

It works, and follows the player just fine, but with the update it pops in and out randomly.
I, too, am having this issue with the latest updates.
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