Hey, if you don't like training or grinding, try EU when it pops up next time around!

It's a derivative of Finale that Tens set up for people that were complaining about the exact same thing. Stat values are simplified to mods that are customized at creation, and the train verb does almost nothing, rarely even touched.

Instead, you can gain strength by participating in major events in the story, RPing well and gaining the attention (not favor) of admins, who reward you with multipliers to your strength called RP Power. Alternative methods of gaining RPP are availiable too-- namely, leeching is the key way of catching up. Those with low RP Power can be evened out with those with high RP Power by sparring with them for a little while, which reduces that huge gap between the strong and the weak. The community is great and swoops back in whenever the game revives itself-- as a rule, they're sure to "leech out" to as many people as possible instead of hording the power among themselves, but without granting leisure to sparmongers who don't want to contribute to the story, but do want the strength.

You'll probably find some negative viewpoints to balance this out somewhere, but I've rarely ever found a wipe on EU that I haven't enjoyed. A lot of them have stuck with me up until now, even.
In response to Fortidogi
Fortidogi wrote:
Hey, if you don't like training or grinding, try EU when it pops up next time around!

It's a derivative of Finale that Tens set up for people that were complaining about the exact same thing. Stat values are simplified to mods that are customized at creation, and the train verb does almost nothing, rarely even touched.

Instead, you can gain strength by participating in major events in the story, RPing well and gaining the attention (not favor) of admins, who reward you with multipliers to your strength called RP Power. Alternative methods of gaining RPP are availiable too-- namely, leeching is the key way of catching up. Those with low RP Power can be evened out with those with high RP Power by sparring with them for a little while, which reduces that huge gap between the strong and the weak. The community is great and swoops back in whenever the game revives itself-- as a rule, they're sure to "leech out" to as many people as possible instead of hording the power among themselves, but without granting leisure to sparmongers who don't want to contribute to the story, but do want the strength.

You'll probably find some negative viewpoints to balance this out somewhere, but I've rarely ever found a wipe on EU that I haven't enjoyed. A lot of them have stuck with me up until now, even.

Dragon Ball Finale, AKA Zee, AKA Phoenix, AKA Lizard Sphere X, AKA Dragon Universe, has always had a Train Verb, and a Meditate verb, you can focus on a stat, plus you need to meditate (afk people love this) in order to gain intelligence (well, it was needed in the past, I believe they changed the meditate thing). However, train is still important, and Dragon Universe involves commands like Auto-Shadow Spar (which costs money) that make you gain power much faster than anybody who spars, or kills monsters.

However, it's a good game if you remove the auto-shadow spar, it makes more sense to punch a dummy or a punching bag, you have to move your character with a dummy, or perhaps kill a monster or spar a friend.
We need more games that use a cycle training system.
Log training is tried and true. Haters gonna hate.
we need more games where you can train by jut placing a rock intoa key!
A rock? I used to just use a piece of tape. Tape the key down, go upstairs, eat dinner, I come back and I'm over 9000 levels stronger. Good times.
Yeah, ol' good days...
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