Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Redundant

This feature has already been implemented, or is already achievable with existing methods.
I made a lot of emoticon images in Paint.NET today, and saved them all to individual PNG files because I know alpha channels aren't preserved on a copy-paste into the icon editor. I attempted to import all thirty files at once, but the icon editor only allows one to be imported at a time. I think it would be beneficial to allow multiple file imports.

On that subject, when icon states are imported from PNG, JPG, or GIF files, I think it would be nice if the new icon state takes on the filename sans its extension (myfile.jpg becomes icon state "myfile").
Should have made them all in a single png o.O
Ter13 resolved issue (Redundant)

By pressing ctrl+clicking on multiple files in the import menu, multiple files can be imported.