Rising Evil

by Dragon warrior2662
Rising Evil
A game where no good can be found.
<STYLE>BODY {background: red; color: black; size: 15}</STYLE>Hyrokanu Island. An Island made of pure evil. But You end up good. You are born A good child and at the age of 13 when the guards of the city try to kill you, your Mother gave her life so you could escape. Now, you want revenge on this island. This is the oportunity of a lifetime. Will you survive?
This game was made by Dragon warrior2662 on the account that his friends had told them that now days games start to get boring and they need a game that really challenges them. I made eveything but a few icons so graciously donated. Of course when you play the game you will see that there are updates soon to come.I thank everyone and hope you all have a wonderful time playing the game."
 copyright made by Dragon warrior2662