
by GreatFisher
A small, fun game I put together quickly. Pop some bubbles have some fun.
This is Bubbler, A game with bubbles :). Your objective is to accumulate as many pionts as possible by pooping bubbles.

P.S. sorry for spelling mistakes, broken spell check.
I actually enjoyed the simplicity of the game and the graphics blend well. One issue I had was that I had to double click a lot of bubbles.

Heh, I managed to get 3rd place on my first try. :)

ps. You should add medals, like "Great Pooper" (Overview spelling mistake, but I'd still like a medal for my page)
Okay I fixed the high score thing, it now works properly.
Your second release of this game should be called another glass item. lol
Resonence wrote:
Your second release of this game should be called another glass item. lol

I have no idea what you're getting at...
This is so addicting
I like Bubbles.

You should make this game focus more on using the MouseEnter/ed procs, so that you only need to move your mouse over them to pop them.

(Just saying this from reading the below comments, haven't actually played this game, but I'm not lying when I say I really do like Bubbles, those things freaking rock.)
GreatFisher wrote:
Resonence wrote:
Your second release of this game should be called another glass item. lol

I have no idea what you're getting at...

http://www.google.com/ search?hl=en&q=bubbler&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=619 &bih=368&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi
Ha ha now I get it.
I got the high score crackers.
Although I rather sucked at this, I like i t. Nice job.