NDS Remastered

by Shawn05
NDS Remastered
Anime fusion! Including Naruto, Bleach, Kenshin, and Saiyans.
We take no credit in making this game just remastering it so us fans can play it again. Updates and changes will occur from time to time.
But when is it gonna be available though?
Soon we just found something very useful thanks to darksoul
updating rn?
shawn what's going on
Any word from the devs or did you guys ditch this thing like a plague? :s
never gonna come out lmao
Hopefully soon man. You never know.
Sorry for the inconvenience everyone. We are back in action.
so is it up or down now? it says its down o.o
In response to KingGarra
its back up
In response to KingGarra
I have the server back up for everyone who has been waiting for it to return sorry for the long pause.
Will the server be up again someday?
Hey, if it's ever up, someone can contact me on Discord.

Chem Teacher#5033

-Turtle :)
YourHorrorStory #0982

If you need me I just made a Discord: KidBox#2630
