I already know how to set up the command line so that the verb name doesn't need to be typed in...

command_text = "> "
mob/verb/Say(C as command_text)
name = ">"

What I want to know is how I can set it up so that there isn't even that > there, so that you simply type in your message, and it's filtered through, and acted upon. How do I do this?
Try this.

Command(msg as command_text|null)
world << "<b>[usr]:</b> [msg]"

In response to Flick
There we go! Thanks a bunch! I couldn't find anything on client/Command() in the refernce... where'd you get it from?
In response to Garthor
It's a secret.
In response to Foomer
No it's not.
In response to Garthor
Where we got it from is a secret.
In response to Foomer
Actually, where you got it from is NOT a secret.
In response to Garthor
Apparently it is, because you don't know.
In response to Foomer
Apparently it isn't, because you know.
In response to Garthor
Yes, I know the secret, you don't. Nyah nyah!
In response to Garthor
Foomer told me about it :)
In response to Foomer
is, is not, is, is not, is, is not, is, is not, is, is not
you sound like kids!!
In response to Jp
Yeah, it's fun :o)
In response to Foomer
My my...
what is a thirteen year old to do?
In response to Jp
Argue with Foomer like a little kid?